
Notes of LAPPD Photocathode Development

Comments on reading Klaus’ draft note on P.C. lab commissioning

Wednesday 14 September 2011 - Filed under Uncategorized


Here are my notes and comments on my first reading of your
Commissioning note.


PC needs to be defined as photocathode so as not to be confused with conventionsmeaning.

table 1.1.1 is Table 1

Column 1 header should say “Characterization Techneque”.

UHV-Chamber and Burle are clear to me, but “External…” and “Syncrotron …”
is not.

Section 1.1.4 needs a diagram(s)!

Something is missing after “The absorption coefficient or th”
Something is missing after “the proposed techniques explaining which”

Does section 1.2 imply there are 2 different QE/transmission/reflection

Need a diagram of the “QE/transmission/reflection” setups.

In section 1.3.1 (and maybe others) needed to identify the model numbers
of each piece of equipment.

What does “NI-data-aquisition system alternatively to Keithley” mean?

“measurements are done with a defined cable set” implies an identification
and labeling scheme needs to be defined and implemented.

I think “characterized by the mean and variance of the set of
measurements. It is a two-dimensional vector.” should also include the
number of measurements used to calculate the mean and variance, thus a
three vector.

Under “The data-acquisition system should provide the following options
point 2 “to make sure that filter constants…”. I am not sure I understand
this … it is about the averaging time or setteling time should depend on the
RC time constant of the amplifier? Are these determined once for a readout
system or determined before each run of a measurement? Needs discussion!

A point on what meta-data needs to be accumulated with each data set should
be added. For example: time, date, operator, sample id, etc should be
linked to data set.

How is the neutral density filter adjusted and controled? Is it a wheel of
fixed values or a continously varying wheel. Is there a precission stepping
motor to adjust it?

The ~ and – are very difficult to distinguish in Figure 2: caption!

Have any of the measurements descripted in the text been attempted with
the existing equipement?

2011-09-14  »  edmay

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