Programs for VMX Control
Tuesday 20 March 2012 - Filed under Uncategorized
I have completed the first version of some Python based programs to
implement basic operations for the VMX transport motor controller when using the RS232 interface.
They are located in the directory
/home/LAPPD/VMX There is a README file which describes the basic operations.
Currently README contains:
Some Python scripts have be prepared to issue typical command sequences to the
VMX motor controls for common tasks. They are located in the directory
The bash shell environment is setup with the command:
. setup
Files Description
—————– ——————————————- prompts user for change (delta) of current X,Y position. Enter 0 if
no motion of one position desired. After motion, new X,Y position is
read, displayed and logged to VMX.log reads current X,Y position, display to console and logs to VMX.log file. has a menu for online/offline, reset absolute position to 0,0
VMX.log Dated/timestamp log of read back of X,Y position.
2012/03/19 18:36:56 -2000.000000 -2203.000000
2012/03/19 18:38:16 203.000000 -2203.000000
2012/03/19 18:39:30 0.000000 -2203.000000
2012/03/19 19:19:45 0.000000 0.000000
2012/03/19 19:21:07 200.000000 500.000000
2012/03/19 19:35:12 200.000000 500.000000
Ed May
2012-03-20 » edmay