
Notes of LAPPD Photocathode Development

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2015-08-10 :: jxie // Uncategorized
Tube #46

Tube #46

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2015-06-29 :: jxie // Uncategorized
QE map tube #44 & #45

Tube #44 Tube #45

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2014-07-31 :: jxie // Uncategorized
QE for 6cm x 6cm

6cm x 6cm photodetector QE Measurement

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Photocathode for UV photodetectors

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Introduction of X-ray Reflectivity1

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The Burle environment logging code has been upgraded to take many reading per time point to get average values This required especially for the temperature, where the voltages are quit small and there is noise. It appears at least 400 points are required to give a uncertainty  of a few degrees. The above figures show […]

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These data were taken during a Burle deposition run on Fe 13 2010 to test the logging code and the calibration of 6009 digitized voltage to pressure and temperature. Calibrated Pressure data using single reads at 1 second intervals. Pressure log data The dramatic wiggle at about 14:10:00 is not the result of the calibration […]

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A code has been developed to readout a NI 6009 digitizer and log data to disk. A plot (in chart recorder mode) of some test data is shown below. The Burle equipment is off, so values are meaningless! Ed May

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transmission-reflection map 0

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