Legacy Software for ACC/ACDC/PSEC
Software/Hardware ELOG
ANL/Bldg 362
- Waveform viewer for Tektronics .wfm binary data files. ZipFile
- Sampling waveform Demo code for Octave/Matlab Demo based on JFG codes using Tyler Natoli data on Transmission line
readout at ANL HEP laser TarFile
- printMetadataInfo.m A code to read the metadata header
- testTryCatchErrors.m A demo code to show syntax of Octave Try-Catch error handler.
ANL/Bldg 360
PhotoCathode DAQ support
- A LabWindowsCVI code for running IV characterization codes using a Keithley 6517B electrometer.
Container files with exe,c src,input,sample,plotting and readme files.
ZIPfile TARfile.
Minimal Windows EXE file and INPUT file. Ed May; Oct 17, 2011.
- Code to readout Spectra VACSCAN RGA via RS232 serial port and make plots as function of time.
Container files with python code, gnuplot script, sample data, and README.
TARfile ZIPfile Ed May; Nov 9, 2011.
- Code to control and readout TDK-Lambda GENH power supplies over ethernet and make plots as function of
current,time,etc. Container files with python code, gnuplot script, sample data, and README.
ZIPfile Ed May; Nov 18, 2011.
- Quartus archive of FPGA code for use with 4chan PSEC3 Evaluation Board for DAQ. (June 1, 2011)
- HerveÅ› Matlab code (tgz archive) for analsys of network analyzer data and anode simulation.
- Tyler's code for Matlab Primitives translated to VHDL for the Cyclone 4
- Timing discriminators:
- Pulse Analyses:
- Background Analyses:
- Simulation and Documentation (i.e. User's Manual to the code):
- Pedestal Corrections
- 4chan PSEC3 Evaluation board DAQ Code